November 30, 2009

new links

a couple new links in, you guessed it, the "links" section.
including this one to Almond Mfg. on how to noboard your snowboard, split board, divorce board.

November 29, 2009

saving for your new board

you've been slaving all Fall for your new board. the rain is falling the mountain is about to open or already has; and you still need a few more bucks. this might be a helpful tip. selling some old stuff can help you buy those new things you NEED. maybe you could sell a VHS player? people will give them away usually, but with the right packaging and the right cliental it could be worth a few bucks.

round up as many free VCR's as you can, then go through your old VHS snowboard vid collection, keep the good ones, and tape the crappy ones to the top with some packing tape to create a "package deal". then list it on craigslist, or if you live in a snowboard town it could fly at a pawn shop. make sure to title it with the words, "VINTAGE", or "THROW-BACK"... people dig that shit.
(if you can come up on any of these golden titles you may be able to use them to boost your package-deal price a little but more.)

now sit back and watch the change come rolling in. this should all get you about $10, so you might need to start quick, DWD boards are going fast!

November 28, 2009


black friday was yesterday in the US, the biggest shopping day of the year there. no matter where you are, go support your local shop... there's a whole list of them in the "dealers" section on the site here.
winter is here (in the northern hemisphere), even if it hasnt snowed yet, it will soon.

Adam Munroe, self portrait, riding a closed run out east in the late spring of last season.

November 26, 2009


Seymour opening weekend was the most epic opener ever, to say the least. Jan Snarski from Video Grass made this little edit of the action packed weekend.

November 25, 2009

holy sheep shit.

we interrupt this "snowboard" blog, for this piece of amazingness.
next time you think your job stunts your creative side remember these sheep herders... and know that your just not being creative enough.

November 24, 2009


a shot of Thue from Denmark. pulling all sorts of muscles with this double nose grab.
shot by Thomas Nielson


November 23, 2009

Mt.Seymour opening day

opening day seymour - henaghan
matt heneghan, just to mention one of many partysnakes that were there.

filmer Jan opening day 270? yes.

followed by some Eradicator, out from behind the lens.

opening day seymour - skiiers
this is a public service announcement to remind you that skiing sucks. once your old enough to dress yourself there is no need to freestyle ski. you also have an obligation to remind your skier friends that skiing is not okay. actually... why do you have skier friends? ask yourself that.

November 22, 2009


saw this in the book store in portland. no idea what it's about, but the back made it sound pretty good.

November 21, 2009

think green

weird... these green union bindings will look perfect on the MAET board.
dino union display at coastal
photo courtesy Scotty dont at the coastal riders blog

November 20, 2009

Where's Waldosaurus

wheres waldosaur

Mt.Seymour opens today.

November 19, 2009


it looks authentic, but then you read the fine print and realize it's a little flawed.

Aaron Pruss's custome artwork
good try Aaron.

November 18, 2009'er man

good friend and Dino backer Matt Henighan's interview.
matt heneghan on

and some space that Keenan is working on for the winter at

November 17, 2009

blog down?

not sure if you can even read this... it's just coming up blank on my computer, but it's getting through on others.
still in portland, and there was just a man moon walking down the sidewalk in front of the coffee shop i'm in... keepin' it real.

speaking of weird...

November 15, 2009

Stick'em up

dino boards opening lift line whister 09
lucas and darryl, opening day lift line at whistler.

and a note from Darryl
from darryl

November 14, 2009


somehow we've ended up on a short northwest tour. baker, now snoqualmie... on our way to portland.

keenan jibs.
snoqulamie west opened today.

on the road again. south bound.

November 13, 2009

baker shots

shots from opening day at baker.
here's a good tip to everyone on how not to blow out a good spot... never say that it is good. on that note, opening day fuck'n sucked at baker and it is always crappy there and we're not sure why anyone even likes that joint.

now for some photos of the crappy day.

jeff and leanne
"take me to the spot"

pelosi devil women

baker from the road
first sight

board bases
the crappy snow was to deep so jeff had to set his stance back.

skunk apes
mervin skunk ape bro's sighting.

black outs
these 3 called each other the night before to co-ordinate outfits.

poor mans heli shot
poor mans heli shot. straight from the lift.

danny, hoglin, damon
danny, hoglin, and damone.

actual gary
actual gary. keeps it real with his dwd.

yoshida blade

keenan in the woods
jeff calls last run after making some bad turns in the trees.

November 12, 2009

Baker opening day.

lucas just took off on us. true story.
...more to come.

in the mean time.

November 11, 2009

seasons pass time.

you're late... hurry up. heres a couple places that we enjoy.

Mount Seymour
Summit at Snoqualmie

dwd summit genovese ad 2

November 09, 2009

Check your local listings

some snowboard areas are announcing opening days for this week in the B.C, Washington, Oregon areas.

baker november

November 06, 2009

Method Mag: 10 years with...

friday reading. and our orangutang minds figured out how to link the picture to the site, so click HERE, or the picture below. wow, we know what your thinking... "what will they think of next?!"

happy friday.

method mag: 10 years with...

November 05, 2009

beef LINKS

here's a couple new things in the "links" section.

Epoch clothing, by Trevor Schy and friends.
Christina Olsen Burtner... THEE Christina Olsen Burtner.
and Timebomb trading... check out the interviews on their site.

November 04, 2009

Love Glove

love glove
how many DWD boards would you like to buy Love Glove?
oh, of course, one for jibbing and one for that deep pow.

November 03, 2009

nuulife premiere photos

since you've undoubtedly bought this video and watched it, we wont be spoiling anything by congratulating Lucas on his opening part.

Lucas, Ashley and Darryl. if they could play instruments they could be a band.

crying wont fill that pitcher back up boys.

November 02, 2009

Save the world


we recycle 2
we recycle

November 01, 2009

and the winner is...

chalk an early one one up for Lars.


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