Some proto dino highback graphics from Theo.
A finish line shot from the chinese downhill portion of Snowboarder mag's A.N.T.P.M. contest this summer
Roger Parmelee on the front page of the Magical Go-Go site last season. When do you have enough speed to do an "urban" method?... when you wax with Go-Go.
2 shots of Lucas Oullette from the West Beach site last season. West Beach outerwear? like that wicked OG brand? that's the one. Dont sleep on West Beach... or Lucas.
Bird house, Micah flag. Summer '08
Who WOULDN'T want to see this rail at their mountain?
Sandy dinosaurs...
More sandy dinosaurs... ... not enough blood for my taste.
Stupid dog.
Dino-fiddler on the roof from David in Norway.
Best paint job on a motor home in all of Idaho... i think we've seen this before.
Not sure... but it sounds funny.
DWD supporter from day 1.
2 Clayton Cotton pics.
Arrival board shop front window display from last season. A bunch of shoes with backwards checks, and a DWD deck... check.
Why not.
Jacob Parmlee also says, "Why not?"
Gary Milton. Master of Methods.
found this on some site tangled up somewhere in the web.
Andrew Prost and I were riding down in a bubble chair on a wet day in Whistler this summer when we found this gem.
Stolen off of Cory Mac, another addition to the G.F.G.M. club. ...Goofy footers with (good, great or grand... you pick) methods.