first, go watch Cool Story.
second, have a beer in portland/tigard and go congratulate Exit on it's sweet 16th bday. blow out some candles, check out another vid... get loose... probably buy a dino board while you're there.
third, on Saturday afternoon warp to Pioneer Square in Seattle and watch a bunch of boarders (including Chris Larson) in a real life death defying rail contest. maybe even get risky and be "that guy" that poaches the contest naked, but i doubt that will get you much more than a lot of ice balls thrown at your nuts... and they'll be cold, so you wont look very manly. unless your a girl, then i highly suggest this.
fourthly, (fourthly?), go to denmark. always a good time, but on this trip you could grab some snowboard souvenirs, and say hey to the guys at Surface board shop.
that's it. now surf the web and wait in anticipation for the real dwd site to drop. ... tomorrow? who said that?