June 26, 2013

Got snow? Ride it.

Lionel Simon in this edit riding the 13/14 RAT. In stores September.

Castro, dun gone did it, and went in for life on 'em.

June 20, 2013

Throwback 2 months to the ECS Invitational. @mattbutel stacking clips for the RATs Section. Find out how to submit your shots at www.dinosaurswilldie.com

Bogart board in the teaser for Abstract

Do you want to get the Bogart board next season? See the magic that Juame Pons does on it in this teaser for their vid called, Abstract.

Abstract - Teaser from Abstract Films on Vimeo.

June 19, 2013

The OE in NY

Check the hat on Jake Luczak... kids got good taste! Now get that Dino deck next season and *BOOM*.... instaRAT.

shot by Gabe Zumpano
edited by Luke Northrop
skate footy by Matt Ryan

June 18, 2013

June 17, 2013

June 13, 2013

Check www.dinosaurswilldie.com and the DWD official Facebook page for all the details and to see last seasons RATS edit that was in the DWD Team Vid. #Rats #DinosaursWillDie #DWD #AintNobodySafe

How to be a RAT.

Are you a RAT?

Submit your footage to DWD for the 2nd annual RATS edit. Deadline is July 15, 2013.

Here are the guide lines and how to submit your footage.

1. Do you ride and film on a DWD snowboard? Any model, any year, is okay.

2. Are your shots in the streets, side country, or back country? (No park shots for this edit)

If you answered YES to both of those, this is how you submit your footage.

1. Make sure your clips are .mov format.

2. Choose your best shots and use WETRANSFER.COM to submit them to RATS@DINOSAURSWILLDIE.COM

3. Make sure include your contact info, and let us know the RIDERS NAME(S) and FILMERS NAME(S) for the credits.

We'll reply to your transfer to confirm that we've received your shots.

... Again... The DEADLINE IS JULY 15, 2013, so get them in asap.


June 12, 2013

Remember this one?!

June 11, 2013

All in all, an amazing day with 300+ people that got Mad love for snowboarding in the month of June! Again, a HUGE thank you to Steven Goodell for doin' the dirty work and making last weekend one to remember! Hope to see you all there again next year! #MtBakerSeshUp @stvn_goodell

Matt Wainhouse was killing it all day at the Sesh Up, so we'd like to go out on a limb and just say that he won the event with methods like this one and consistently going huge!... Even though every one was a winner... Especially everyone that got there early with shovels! AND, Steven Goodell who kicked some major ass making this event a reality. Thanks Steven! @stvn_goodell Photo:@lucas_ouellette

The session kept going, even as people started migrating back to the parking lot. @seangenovese going toe edge upside down spin around near the end of the sesh. #mtbakerseshup Photo: @lucas_ouellette

One of the step up veterans and close DWD friend, showing the kids how its done. Drop, flip, chill. @patrickmccarthy #mtbakerseshup

Digging, slipping and salt. Just a few of the essentials for a successful spring/summer jump sesh. The Mt.Baker Sesh Up is no exception. Plenty of seasoned step up veterans were on hand to make sure this year was the best yet! #mtbakerseshup

The 10th Annual Mt.Baker Sesh Up was a success last weekend! Good ol'fashion feed cloggin' comin' up! Stay tuned. #MtBakerSeshUp

June 09, 2013

Vote for Castro!

We agree with Cobra Dogs and Lunch Ramp Gang. Vote For Castro! Castro rides DWD... A true RAT... a Rats, Rat. What are you voting for you ask? We don't know... and we don't care... we just agree. VOTE FOR CASTRO!

Power to the RATS!

*ps Eat Cobra Dogs, run with Lunch Ramp Gang, and support your local HCSC Diggers.

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