July 31, 2013

July 25, 2013

Get out on that glacier 'n shred!

Still good times up on the Blackcomb glacier! Get up there for the last days of Source week at COC, or rip the public park.

Here's an edit that Justin Shore put together while he was up there last week!

July 02, 2013

BOOM... The 13/14 DWD catalog has officially dropped. Check it out at www.dinosaurswilldie.com, in the 'Products' section. Make your wish list and start saving up that chore money! The new stuff hits stores in September!

The 2013/14 DWD Catalog is online!

BOOM!... The 2013/14 Dinosaurs Will Die catalog has officially dropped. Check it out by clicking HERE or the 'products' section.

Start savin' that chore money.
The new stuff hits stores in September!

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