September 15, 2010

Bloggin since bin bloggin'

another entry in the 'Bloggin' since bin bloggin' posts.

if you read yesterdays post then that means you most definitely put everything you were doing aside for 20 minutes and watched the Bear Cub vid. it's not a video of a bear jacking off or having sex or mauling a man to death. it's a video put together by a group of hard working Alaskans. these kids not only keep you informed about their scene and the happenings around them, but could also very well be the next kids that ARE the scene. a few of their close friends are well on the way if they aren't already there. (Gus Engle, Chris Larson and Mark Thompson to name a few)

keep an eye on what these kids have going on. and check out the vid if you havent already.


...incase your fingers are too broken to scroll down another 3 inches to yesterdays post, here's the new vid again.

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