February 03, 2012

The Omega fatty post: It's good for you

Pre note: T-minus two days... the teaser.

Time flies when you're having fun, and back logged blog posts begin to stack high... So we'll start at the top.

Shay of shayboarder.com got on one of the new Genovese boards and gave it her honest to goodness review. Check that out HERE, she may answer a question or two that you've been pondering while deciding which DWD board you should buy.

Ian Keay, Credo hellion, is in the most recent Credo and friends edit, part 4 to be exact. He can also be seen bases out in the Carintia Park ad in the newest issue of TW snow.

Got an edit here with Tom Reilly of robotik co. Him and some friends made the long trip in search of that endless winter. Surf when you're old.

Tacky.no did a drawing contest recently and the winner got Freddy Perry's set up... not a bad prize. Strangely the stick man shooting lightning bolts out of his eyes that was submitted didn't win. Check HERE to see which ones did. And be pre-warned, if you don't speak norwegian, don't expect to be able to understand anything at the end of that link.


Kevin Hannnnnson, come on down... you're the next up on 'Bloggin yo footy'. Stevens Pass is Kevin's back yard; can you tell that he knows every square inch of that park?!

Genovese on Bent Metal? believe dat.

Click HERE for a Sneaky peaky, via the Biz. Plus some very serious questions get answered.

The pool boy, Richie Conklin, gettin after it in this edit.

... And Sunday in the Park? oh yeah. HERE.

And a couple of long over due posts with these two edits from our compadres in Spain.


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