October 20, 2014

RAT TALES #12: Gabriele Strangolini

Viva Italia... Viva Rats!

DWD_Italy_winter_edit from Dolly's House crew on Vimeo.

... if you have any street or backcountry clips and want to submit them for this seasons RATS edit, read the details below.

1. Pick your best clips of you from the 13/14 season riding a DWD snowboard.

2. Send them to us via wetransfer.com as .mov files compressed in a zip file to rats@dinosaurswilldie.com

3. Make sure to include the filmer name for the credits as well as your name, email and mailing address.

4. If you and your friends are all submitting footy, Please submit all riders in separate wetransfers to avoid any confusion.

5. Submission deadline is Oct.25

Submit now.
The PLAGUE is coming...

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