November 09, 2010

Xtreme Adrenaline Boardshop : Insider Info

back over to the fine canadian province of saskatchewan for this Insider Info with Eldon Sebastian at Xtreme Adrenaline Boardshop.


Name of the shop? Xtreme Adrenaline Boardshop
Name of person answering the questions? Eldon Sebastian

What is the best thing about owning a shop?
Best thing about owning a shop is being part of a Crew. We are really all a family of homies that ate stoked on everything about snowboarding an live for it non stop all year round. Its about the people, not about the money.

You’re stuck on a mountain for the rest of your life and you can only have 1 snowboard. Is it camber, or reverse camber? Why?
For sure Camber. Reverse camber is rad and super mellow and fun but when you really need your board to respond its all about camber. Just sayin.

What is the golden age of snowboarding for you? when and why.
Golden age..ha ha locking yourself into an OG Barfoot snowboard using your white Sorel winter boots…good times.

If you could guess the next big trend in snowboarding, what would it be?
Its gotta be wife beaters and yellow rubber boots…or maybe not but I’m pretty sure that’s what it will be.

What is great about snowboarding right now?
Everything, Everybody. Every Day and all the women getting into snowboarding…for sure!

you can be thankful that the 'golden days' are over and you're blessed with highback's and flex patterns now.
go grab a new set up over at Xtreme Adrenaline and make some 'golden days' for yourself to remember.
they also have DWD available in their online shop.

Xtreme Adrenaline Boardshop
4515 Rochdale Blvd.
Regina, SK

(306) 543-6153
(877) 543-6153 - toll free

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